SemihPala – Web Analytics Resources Thu, 21 Jul 2016 20:23:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Online Marketing for Small Business in South Florida Free Digital Marketing Training Mon, 19 May 2014 01:16:39 +0000  

If you are looking for an excellent in person online marketing training in South Florida, this group is just for you. We provide free digital marketing training in South Florida and help you get found on the internet. Please join our group today and learn how you can use Google Adwords, Google Analytics and other tools to market your business on the internet. This is also a great group to join for networking and to meet people who share the passion of online marketing in South Florida.

Free internet marketing training in South Florida is here!

Click here to join us today: Free online marketing training South Florida

Google Analytics Content Grouping – How to Set Up & Use this Feature in GA? Mon, 23 Dec 2013 08:07:25 +0000      Google has officially launched new Google Analytics feature, “content grouping” on Dec. 19 2013. This is a great feature for so many reasons. Before this launch, the only way to analyze this data was to look at “page path” report in GA. This report was not very useful because it wasn’t possible to customize it based on your needs. This report only allowed us to drill down into each folder based on your website structure not based on custom page groups. Now we are able to create rules and group pages based on the rules we create in GA.

Content grouping Google Analytics feature can help you answer some of the business questions like:

  • How are my visitors navigating between site sections?
  • Which sections of my website is getting the most traffic?
  • Which segment of visitors are interested in which section of the website?

This feature will help you to group certain pages and create a grouping which consists of subset of pages. There are 3 methods to group pages 1) Tracking Code, 2) Rules, 3) Extraction. In this post I will focus on “Rules” method which is the fastest and easiest method to set up Google Analytics content grouping feature in your account.

Here is the step by step guide showing how to create content grouping in Google Analyitcs:

1) This menu will appear under admin section as shown below:









2) Click “Create new content grouping”






3) Create rules for each group:








4) Page url, page title or screen name (for apps) can be used for each group:








If you watch Google Analytics official training video about content grouping, you will notice that there are two important definitions. 1) Grouping 2) Group. In order to set up your page groups properly we need to understand the difference between these two terms.

By default you  can create up to 5 content groupings, but there is no limit for number of groups you can create under each grouping. We can think of each group as set of rules. Suppose that we are running a health related website. We can create a content grouping called “Topics”, then under that content grouping we can create groups such as “Heart Diseases”, “Joint Diseases”, “Internal Diseases” etc. Set of rules need to be created to consolidate all pages in each content group. For instance, we can group pages by urls if each url contains the word “heart disease” or we can group each url by directory using regex formulas. Here we can combine these pages by creating rules with or/and conditions. We can also create unlimited set of rules/groups for each grouping. For example:

Content Grouping: Topics (Up to 5 groupings)
Content Group1: Heart Diseases
Content Group2: Joint Diseaseses
Content Grop3: Internal Diseases etc.

Sky is the limit for analysis opportunities using these groupings. We can create goals or segments to dig deeper and analyze further each grouping and groups. On the left, you can find  a screenshot of the interface in GA, showing each option to use for creating content groups.


Here is the official Content Grouping  Google Analytics Video from Google:

Online Marketing Strategies for Small Business Owners-How to Use Google Adwords for Your Small Business Mon, 11 Feb 2013 08:06:00 +0000 We are providing monthly FREE workshops to teach online marketing strategies to small business owners. You can join our group here and have a great opportunity to learn more about online marketing and meet new people at this networking event.
Sign Up Today at:

web analytics training semih pala

Web Analytics Wednesdays & Web Analytics Community in Philadelphia Mon, 10 Dec 2012 03:44:59 +0000 There are so many networking events in Philadelphia, some of them are targeting specific sector professionals and others are at more broader level including all professionals from different sectors.

WAW events were founded in 2005 by Web Analytics Demystified Senior Partner Eric T. Peterson, Web Analytics Wednesday has become the single most popular social network and networking event in the digital measurement sector. Most of the time these events are organized by local hosts and paid for by generous sponsors. These events are not limited to Philadelphia area or United States, they are organized at international level.

We had the first panel discussion format  about web analytics tools/vendors on September 19. I was invited to speak about Google Analytics and every panel speaker represented one web analytics tool. Brian Cosgrove was the moderator of the discussion. Discussion was more around the new rules and regulations about privacy and cookie settings and how this will effect the future of web analytics as well as web analysts. We also discussed some other topics such as upgrades and improvements for each tool in last year, each web analyst’s wishlist about the tool, social media and mobile tracking, advanced features, challenges with the tool, integration, top tips and ninja tricks about each tool. Overall it was a great discussion and a great audience. We had so many questions from audience and generally participation was very high.

web analytics events in philadelphia       It’s always great to see and meet highly talented and web analytics savvy individuals, who are dedicated to this valuable segment of online marketing. I have also attended DAA event in Philadelphia and one of the discussion was around the gap for web analytics talents in the industry.

These events are mostly coordinated by Jenny Du (Account Director at TPG) and other folks at TPGDirect (Full service digital and marketing agency).  Please join the mailing list on Web Analytics Demystified to receive email notifications about each event.
Left to Right:
Brian Cosgrove – Moderator (Vice President, Analytics – TPG)
Laura Reed (Web Analytics Manager – TPG)
Chris Johannessen (Director of Digital Analytics – TPG)

Me – Semih Pala (Web Analytics Consultant)
Ken Hill (Web Analyst at Comsys)
There are so many great networking events in Philadelphia such as Network after Work or SEO meetup etc. I always do my best to attend every event. Hope to see you there if you haven’t joined yet.


